Big Red Dog

The first of Grendel’s Mother’s many productions, this mobile, large scale paper mache piece was built for a public arts festival at The Crucible, a non-profit sculpture school in Berkeley, CA. Trisha and David were instructors and founding members of the school.

The Big Red Dog was designed by David and Trisha who also fabricated its steel armature. Teams of students, staff and volunteers worked for three weeks on this sculpture covering the armature with chicken wire, paper mache and paint. The sculpture combined an adult playfulness and sexuality with imagery from childhood pull toys. The Big Red Dog was featured at the Crucible’s “Fire Festival” and in the “How Berkeley Can You Be” parade.

Big Red Dog, Trisha and David

Big Red Dog, Trisha, David and crew





Artist Statement | Collaborative Projects | Trisha Kyner | David Friedheim | Resume | Press | Contact